Contract Administration Specialist with Danish and Norwegian
Publiseringsdato 13.08.2024
What are your responsibilities?
You will accompany and monitor the processing ofservice contracts in terms of billing, internal cost accounting, master data,document and value flows.
You will review newly concluded servicecontracts and enter them into the SAP ERP system.
You will process customer orders via SAP and ourCase Management System.
You will create customer invoices and check andapprove vendor invoices
You will work in close collaboration withtechnicians and dispatch
You will provide telephone customer support andhandle customer complaints
What do you need to make real what matters?
You have successfully completed a commercialapprenticeship, or you have several years of experience in the commercialprocessing of customer contracts and have a good understanding of processes andvalue flows.
You have knowledge of contract law.
You demonstrate a high level of initiative,reliability, and teamwork
You have excellent communication skills
Good written and verbal communication in Danishand English, Norwegian is an advantage
Practical experience with SAP module SD isadvantageous
What is our standard?
5 weeks of vacation (up to 8 extra days can bepurchased from the benefits budget)
Flexible working hours with a fixed core from10:00-14:00
Possibility to work from home occasionally
Annual bonus
MultiSport card at a discounted price
Annual cafeteria budget of at least CZK 24,000with any use on the benefit-plus website (e.g. holidays, language course,cultural and sporting events, etc.)
Contribution to life insurance or pensioninsurance paid from benefits
Company kindergartens in Prague and Ostrava
The opportunity to become a Siemens shareholderand receive free shares
3 kandidater ser på nå
Publiseringsdato 13.08.2024
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